
当前产品注塑机械手保养项目流程Injection manipulator maintenance project process

注塑机械手保养项目流程Injection manipulator maintenance project process

  • 公司名称帕斯科(山东)机器人科技有限公司
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  • 更新时间2024/6/1 10:40:23
  • 访问次数20
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注塑机械手保养项目流程Injection manipulator maintenance project process


  1. 全面检查:在操作前,需要对机械手进行全面的检查,确保各部件正常运行。检查机械结构,包括承载能力和运动轨迹,确认是否符合安全要求。同时,检查所有运动部位的螺栓是否锁紧,是否有松动现象。
  2. 双点组合保养:检查水杯中是否有油或水,并及时排放。检查双点组合压力指示是否正常,以及空气压缩机的定时排水情况。
  3. 导杆与轴承润滑保养:清洁导杆,去除灰尘和锈斑。使用毛刷将润滑油均匀地涂抹于导杆上,确保润滑油不易堆积。同时,对滑轨、滑块进行润滑保养,并检查固定螺丝是否松动,夹具是否变形。
  4. 气压与电气系统检查:检查气压来源的压力及空气的干燥度,确保负压传感器、夹具检测磁环开关以及注塑机专用机械手与注塑机间的连接状态正常。此外,检查电源或变压器等配线是否磨损,以及电气系统是否正常运行。
  5. 运行速度与同步带检查:重新调整各动作的运行速度,确保机械手的运动平稳且高效。同时,检查同步带的松紧度是否恰当,以及是否有磨损或损坏现象。
  6. 定期校准:根据机械手的类型和使用情况,定期进行校准工作,以确保其精度和性能达到状态。



The maintenance project process of the injection molding manipulator mainly includes the following steps:

Comprehensive inspection: Before operation, a comprehensive inspection of the manipulator is required to ensure that all components are operating properly. Inspect the mechanical structure, including the load-bearing capacity and movement trajectory, to confirm compliance with safety requirements. At the same time, check whether the bolts of all moving parts are locked and whether there is any loosening.
Double-point combination maintenance: check whether there is oil or water in the water cup, and drain it in time. Check whether the two-point combined pressure indication is normal and the timing of the air compressor's drainage.
Guide rod and bearing lubrication maintenance: clean the guide rod to remove dust and rust spots. Use a brush to evenly apply the oil to the guide rod to ensure that the oil does not build up. At the same time, lubricate and maintain the slide rail and slider, and check whether the fixing screw is loose and whether the fixture is deformed.
Air pressure and electrical system inspection: check the pressure of the air pressure source and the dryness of the air to ensure that the negative pressure sensor, the magnetic ring switch of the fixture detection and the connection between the special manipulator of the injection molding machine and the injection molding machine are normal. Also, check whether the wiring such as the power supply or transformer is worn out, and that the electrical system is functioning properly.
Running speed and timing belt check: Readjust the running speed of each operation to ensure that the movement of the robot is smooth and efficient. At the same time, check whether the tightness of the timing belt is appropriate, and whether there is any wear or damage.
Regular calibration: According to the type and use of the manipulator, regular calibration work is carried out to ensure that its accuracy and performance are in the best condition.
When carrying out maintenance, be sure to follow the guidance instructions of the robot manufacturer and pay attention to the safety requirements. The operator should remain vigilant, observe the movement status of the manipulator at any time, and prohibit staying or entering the manipulator operation area to prevent danger. At the same time, the maintenance situation is recorded regularly so that problems can be found and solved in time.

Please note that the specific maintenance project process may vary depending on factors such as the model of the robot, the manufacturer and the environment in which it is used. Therefore, in practice, please adjust and optimize according to the specific situation.








